
  • 2017 _ G.Re.C (Group of Research and studies on Cetaceans and sea Mammal) Antibes, France. Biology, Bioacoustics and Habits of species. First Level Degree as university.
  • 2013 _ Wildeyes film School, Norwich, England. Dedicated Whorkshop to Sound Recording and Field Recording, Managed and led by Chris Watson, Jez riley French, Piers Warren & Jason Peters.
  • 1999 _ Art University Paris 8, France. Master of Art.
  • 1996/98 _ Art Univeristy Paris 8, France. Second Degree of Art.
  • 1994/96 _ Arts institute of Amiens, France. First Degree of Art.

live set | other | installations | performances


  • MAY and JUNE (in between)
    – Scoring a scene to the WestWorld series under a challenge commissioned by HBO and SPITFIRE AUDIO.
    [To listen and see my proposal]
  • 24th of MAY
    – (The gig is postponed due the situation!)
    Live at the Synth Fest 2020 at La Maison des arts (Saint-Herblain / Nantes) France. æfv in band live {æfv & EdH} play Night of Storm (a 5.0 Surround sound piece).
  • Compositrain for la Philharmonie des enfants, Paris (France). Opening autumn 2021. Co-created and composed with Emmanuelle de Héricourt.
  • 27th of FEBRUARY
    – Release of my album “Drowned Mermaids„ under the net Label Nostalgie de la Boue. [Ref. ndlb#142]


  • 30th of November 2019
    – 30th of November, 2019. Live (In duet with Jac Berrocal) « Matière à réflexion #7 » at the Galerie SIX, Paris (France). Currated by Claude Chuzel.
    Claude Chuzel: Painter and host – Éliane Blaise: cello, synth and FX – Jac Berrocal: Trumpet and FX – Emmanuelle de Héricourt: Help to the sound – Nilonilaz: Video catching. [live]
  • 5th of October 2019
    – Musical assistant of Emmanuelle de Héricourt during “La Nuit blanche„ at la Philharmonie, Paris (France), for her’s sound installation “MIXture„ (for three prepared mixing tables playable in live). [To listen the issue]
  • 22th of September 2019
    – Musical assistant of Emmanuelle de Héricourt during “La Journée du patrimoine„ at le Musée Albert Kahn, Boulogne (France), for her’s sound installation “MIXture„ (for three prepared mixing tables playable in live). [Albert Kahn museum]
  • JULY
    – Score to some scenes from the next movie “Le Géographe manuel„ by the director Michel Zumpf.
  • 16th of May 2019
    – Sound assistant (and help) to the live recording of the Open Women Orchestra’s performance during the Switch Festival #3, at Le Théâtre de Vanve (France). (for six women musician at time). [To see and listen the performance]
  • 1st of May 2019
    – Live At the DAF Festival, Geneva (Switzerland), For voice, cello and electronic in Surround (5.0).
  • 26th of January 2019
    – Live At Les Temps du corps, Paris (France). For voice, cello and electronic.


  • NOVEMBER                       
    In studio recording sessions for Wurst (an Industrial, Cold Waves band). Ongoing project. With, Matthieu Ferrandez (electronic and keyboards), Ludovic Laurent (Voice), David Fabre (Guitar) and Éliane Blaise (Cello and Sound technics). Paris, France. Expected release, Autumn 2020.
  • 8th NOVEMBER                  
    Show Case with cello playing, performing on a new audio classical system from La Voix du Luthier to stage. At ModularSquare, Paris, France.
  • 31th OCTOBER                   
    Live recording session of Grands Lacs (Trio. Minimal music) and Phil Niblock at Les Instants Chavirés, Paris-Montreuil, France. [weblink]
  • 13rd OCTOBER                  
    Live. 19 (duet) MoonDay in G for amplified Organ (Mark Wagner) and Cello (Éliane Blaise). At St Peter’s Church Bethnal Green, London, UK.
  • 12th OCTOBER                   
    Live. ǽfv (solo project). At St Leonard C of E Church Shoreditch, London, UK.
  • 28th SEPTEMBER              
    Live (trio), to “L’Amour à boire”. Composing for a Live Set Performing during the art exhibition from Elsa Hieramente (curator also) with Sabrina Paul (Voice), Romain Veynier (Voice) and Éliane Blaise (Cello). At La Consigne, Romainville, France.
  • 11th until 21th SEPTEMBER                                                     
    Field trip. Field Recording session focus on birds species (ongoing project) at the garden of Museum of Etruscan Art, Rome, Italia.
  • 5th until 13rd AUGUST       
    Art, Music and Literature in Residency in South of France during “Le Banquet littéraire”. Wrtting and programming music. Curated and commissioned by M. Loing (Charybde, Books Shop Paris based). In Lagrasse, France.
  • 3rd JULY                                            
    Recording session in Paris with Nathalie Forget (Martenot Waves player, Paris based) to a Sound Art installation and performance  «Makankar» at Kinshasa in Africa..
  • 24th JUNE                         
    Live performance “Instant T”. With Frédéric Foliof (Spoken Words) and Éliane Blaise (cello). Special event to the launch of the issue #3 of ARTICHAUD (contemporary literature publishing). At Charybde, book shop, Paris France.
  • 14th JUNE:                        
    Live performance “Instant T”. With Frédéric Foliof (Spoken Words) and Éliane Blaise (cello). Special event to the launch of the issue #3 of ARTICHAUD (contemporary literature publishing). At Ground Control, Paris France.
  • 13rd JUNE:                        
    Live performance “Instant T”. With Frédéric Foliof (Spoken Words) and Éliane Blaise (cello). Special event to the launch of the issue #3 of ARTICHAUD (contemporary literature publishing). At Le Hasard Ludique, Paris France.
  • 6th JUNE:                           
    Live and Dance. “De l’évidence d’une fleur” for two women butô dancers and two musician. With Claude Parle (accordion), Eliane Blaise (cello + performer), Carmen Blam (dancer) Maki Wattanabe (dancer). At Le Vent se lève, Paris, France. [weblink]
  • MARCH-APRIL                  
    Post-Production, Sound arrangements, Pre Mixing (surround, EQs, pre and sub level) for DOUCE/FROIDE (Synth Pop, Cold Waves solo project). Digital Release on Bandcamp. Paris, France. [weblink]
  • 24th MARCH                       
    Live Set Performance “33Hz Sonic Orgasm” for Waves and Cello, in duet with Mark Wagner [UK]. At La Reliure, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • 23rd MARCH                    
    Live. ǽfv (solo project). Cello, voice and Electronic. At DAF Festival. Geneva, Switzerland
  • 20th MARCH                   
    Night’s Perfomance. ǽfv. Radio show “Après Midi Person Radio,” (0 h 00 à 2 h 00). With Andrea & Sophie (voices lecturing), Éliane Blaise (cello). At Arts University of Geneva, Switzerland.
  • 27th and 28 th JANUARY                                             
    Recording Session with Marie-Thérèse Grisenti (cellist) and Marc Vitantonio (piano player) « Sur les pas de Lise » a playing performance about Lise Cristiani (the first cellist woman in the XIXth Century), at Academy Segueï Rachmaninov, Paris, France.
  • 14th JANUARY                    
    Live. ǽfv. Ciné-concert, music for film. Commissioned M. Beatty & Daniel Maszkowicz to “GENEVEGAS a Day to Xplore”. At Le Spoutnik (theater), Geneva, Switzerland.


  • 15th DECEMBER              
    Live Performance. SMNOISE. With Daniel Maszkowicz [SW], M. Beatty [USA] et Kubra Khademi [afganistan/FR] and Éliane Blaise [FR]. At Le Petit café, Paris, France.
  • 5th OCTOBER                    
    Live. « Distance Oubliée » (duet) with PHANTOM LOVE [IT] and ǽfv [FR]. At ModularSquare, Paris, France.
    Recording session of “ L’après-midi d’un faune” of A C.-A. Debussy, transposed for organ and flute and played by Matthew Ferrandez (organ) and Akitsu Orii (flute). At Saint Marcel church, Paris, France.
  • 27th FEBRUARY                
    Live with cello to a Radio show broadcast. Radio O, “Poeticus Mordicus 2”. Curated and commissioned by Anna Sera Assistant-director and technique. At Le 61, Paris, France.


  • 24th NOVEMBER              
    Live with cello and electronic to a Radio show broadcast. Radio O, “Poeticus Mordicus”. Curated and commissioned by Anna Sera [FR] Assistant-director and technique. At Le 61, Paris, France.
  • 21th until 29th OCTOBER                
    Exhibition. « Salon des Réalités Nouvelles ». Drawings. At the Botanical garden, Vincennes, France.
  • SPRING and AUTUMN                    
    Sound piece as Proposal to Sound disappear. Introdced by Kinokophonography to called project « Save our Sounds » from The British Library (London). Creation spread in the installation created by Jez riley french for the festival “End of the Road”. Scotland.
  • 22th MAY                            
    Digital Release. « Rien Ni Personne »— Track No 43. 30 years of the DMA2 (subject evoked on January 16th, 2016 in the broadcast “Sur les docs”, on France Culture). By the net label
    Nostalgie de la boue. [weblink]
  • 17th MAY                            
    Live Recording Session for PolyPhone (# 1).With Céline Perrier [fr], de Phantom Love [it] and Nina Kardek [fr]. At Détails, Paris, France. [weblink]
  • MARCH-APRIL                  
    Evaporation sonore Hanoï (Sound Card).«— Manquante, la Ve ». Field Recording and trip in Hanoï, VietNam. Co-created with Fille du Calvaire (label Musique immédiate). [weblink]


  • 17th until 24th OCTOBER                                 
    Exhibition. « Salon des Réalités Nouvelles ». Drawings. At the Botanical garden, Vincennes, France.
  • 6th JUNE and 23th MAY                                   
    Live. The Spare Place I et II. With C. Parle, Jean-Luc Petit, Piersy d. Roos, Sophie Agnel, Cyprien Bussolini, Deborah Walker, Julien Ottavi (apo33), Ya Ping Wang, Lukas Simonis, Eliane Blaise. At Espace Vitet, Paris, France.
  • 13th MAY                              
    Recording Session. With Pierre Cendors during the meeting for his book release “The Archives of the wind”, Éd. du Tripode. At Charybde, bookshop, Paris, France


  • NOVEMBER                       
    Exhibition with other artist. « RN Hors les murs ». Drawings. At the Fine Art Museum, Beijin, China.
  • 18th until 25th OCTOBER                
    Exhibition. « Salon des Réalités Nouvelles ». Drawings. At the Botanical garden, Vincennes, France.
  • JULY                                                    
    Sound Piece. “Triptyque miniature d’une botanique pour vents, eaux et une nuit” for the World Listening Day, on “Fragility” digital release. – Track No 10. [weblink]
  • 13th JUNE                          
    Main Lecturer with Nébal to the evening tribute for James G. Ballard, with Manuel Candré during the meeting to his book’s release “Portico of the sea front”. At Charybde, bookshop, Paris, France. [weblink]
  • MAY                                                     
    Sound piece. Online Radio broadcast for WebSYNRadio [BE]. Commissioned by Emmanuelle Gibello Scénophonie [FR] and curated by Dominique Balaÿ [BE].
  • 23th MAY                            
    Live. With Golem Mécanique & Eliane Blaise. Curated by Musica,ae and Drone Sweet Drone. SET’ 30. At Blockhaus dy10, Nantes, France. [weblink]
  • 20th MAY                            
    Live Recording Session. With Mesa of the lost Women [fr], zaïmph [usa], Jenny Gräf [usa]. Commissioned by Cathy Heyden and Le NON_JAZZ. At Le Chinois, Montreuil, France.
  • 20th APRIL                         
    Live Recording Session. With Keith Rowe [uk] & Pascal Bathus [fr]. Commissioned by the records label Potlach. At Les Temps du corps, Paris, France.
  • 13th APRIL          
    Live Recording Session.  With Chaos [fr] (Patrice Cazelles & E. Mieville), Bruno Wilhelm & Romano Pratesi [it]. Commissioned by Cathy Heyden to Chantier(s). At Espace en cours, Paris, France.


  • 24th NOVEMBER              
    Live Performancve. Voice Speaking and electronics. Chantier(s) #10, Curated by Cathy Heyden. At l’Espace en cours, Paris, France.
  • 11th JUNE                          
    Live Performance. Voice Speaking and electronics. Evening Q#28. At Les Instants Chavirés, Montreuil, France
  • 13th MARCH                      
    Live Performance. With Claude Parle, Cathy Heyden, Now Cut, Le Syndicat, Eliane Blaise, Guillaume Loizillon. Expérience sonique XIV . At Les Combustibles, Paris France.


  • Six Live Performance. Voice Speaking. Curated by M.-L. Questin, Le Cénacle du cygne. At La Cantada, Paris, France.


  • Three Live Performance. Voice Speaking, ASMR. Curated by Marc-Louis Questin, Le Cénacle du cygne. At La Cantada, Paris, France.
  • Novel publishing « Topographie 2  – des – sens » in La Salamandre (Contemporary Poetry and Literature).